THINK Issue 4

Bridging the Gaps

Any effort to improve our current situation and the well-being of our society is most effective when we acknowledge the existence of gaps: the divides between policies and its implementation, the complaints of under- and over-resourced, the contrast between the haves and the have-nots, and other obvious and hidden gaps among generations, countries and societies. For this fourth issue of THink, contributors write about gaps they have observed — and the potential solutions to bridge these gaps.

In this issue:

  • Feature: The Diplomacy of China 3.0: How to Be Creatively Involved in World Affairs
  • Higher Education Reform in Cambodia since 1990s: How or What for?
  • The Early Childhood Practice Gap: A Matter of Context
  • Where Are the Youth in Agriculture?

Learning to Transform

Modern-day sociologists describe stratification in the form of socio-economic status (SES). SES measures a person’s position according to education, occupation and income, and together as…


Leaders and changemakers of today face unique and complex challenges. The HEAD Foundation Digest features insights and opinions from those in the know addressing a wide range of pertinent issues that factor in a society’s development. 

Informed opinions can inspire healthy discussions and open up our imagination to new possibilities. Interested in contributing? Write to us at info@headfoundation

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Leaders and changemakers of today face unique and complex challenges. The HEAD Foundation Digest features insights and opinions from those in the know addressing a wide range of pertinent issues that factor in a society’s development. 

Informed opinions can inspire healthy discussions and open up our imagination to new possibilities. Interested in contributing? Write to us at info@headfoundation

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