Nobutaka Hattori

PROF NOBUTAKA HATTORI is Chairman and Professor of Neurology at Juntendo University, Tokyo, as well as Dean of the Faculty of Medicine of Juntendo University. He has been involved in research on molecular mechanisms of Parkinson’s disease (PD) since 1989. More recently, together with his collaborators, Prof Hattori identified the disease gene for an autosomal recessive form of young onset familial PD, and named it “parkin”. They also found that parkin was directly linked to the ubiquitin-proteasome pathway as a ubiquitin ligase. This suggested that protein degradation system is involved in the pathogenesis of not only the monogenic form of PD but also sporadic PD. Currently, he has been investigating and developing therapeutic methods not only for PD but also other neurological diseases.


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