The Myth – and the Promise – of Southeast Asian Higher Education
Southeast Asia is a highly diverse region of 11 countries with a population of over 650 million — and contemporary higher education realities are just as diverse. There is diversity in religion, culture, political systems,…
Postpandemic Outlook for Higher Education is Bleakest for the Poorest
In the midst of crisis, with the scope and outcomes largely unclear, it is too early to accurately predict the broader implications of the coronavirus pandemic for higher education or for society in general. We…
The Coming “China Crisis” in Higher Education
Universities in major countries have come to depend on Chinese students for their increasingly important international student enrolments, and are to some extent dependent on these students to balance budgets and in some cases to…
India: World-Class Universities?
Not long ago, Indian President Pranab Mukherjee declared, “If we provide enough funds to 10 to 15 top institutions for the next four to five years, these institutions will certainly storm into the top 100…
The Complex Diversity of Southeast Asian Post-Secondary Education
Are there common elements in the higher education realities of Southeast Asia? In fact, the region may even be more divergent than convergent. This can be seen in the responses that the countries in the…