Lee Eng Keat

Lee Eng Keat
LEE ENG KEAT has been helping companies translate trends into strategy for execution over a diverse range of industries in Asia’s emerging markets, in particular Southeast Asia and India, over the last 22 years, initially at the Singapore Economic Development Board (EDB) and now with United Overseas Bank Limited (UOB). Two of his focused sectors are logistics and agrifood, which he oversaw while he was at EDB. Due to the growth, environment and social impact of the agrifood sector, he is particularly passionate about it and helps agrifood companies connect with business partners to support their scale-up in Asia.
Issue 1: Higher education: learning to work?
Every week, HEADlines brings you the latest news, stories and commentaries in education and healthcare. This week, get insights on the latest developments
Issue 2: Combating Conoravirus: A West + East Approach
Every week, HEADlines brings you the latest news, stories and commentaries in education and healthcare. This week, get insights on the latest developments
Issue 3: Education—widening or narrowing inequality?
Every week, HEADlines brings you the latest news, stories and commentaries in education and healthcare. This week, get insights on the latest developments
Issue 4: How Tech and AI are Transforming Healthcare
Every week, HEADlines brings you the latest news, stories and commentaries in education and healthcare. This week, get insights on the latest developments
Issue 5: Tests, tests and more tests
Every week, HEADlines brings you the latest news, stories and commentaries in education and healthcare. This week, get insights on the latest developments
Issue 6: Coronavirus – Good or terrible news for climate efforts?
Every week, HEADlines brings you the latest news, stories and commentaries in education and healthcare. This week, get insights on the latest developments
Issue 7: COVID-19 – Good news for remote learning?
Every week, HEADlines brings you the latest news, stories and commentaries in education and healthcare. This week, get insights on the latest developments
Issue 8: Public health vs privacy in the face of a pandemic
Every week, HEADlines brings you the latest news, stories and commentaries in education and healthcare. This week, get insights on the latest developments
Issue 9: Rethinking education, improving schooling outcomes
Every week, HEADlines brings you the latest news, stories and commentaries in education and healthcare. This week, get insights on the latest developments
Issue 10: On lockdowns and circuit breakers – Navigating the new normal
Every week, HEADlines brings you the latest news, stories and commentaries in education and healthcare. This week, get insights on the latest developments
Issue 11: Making the best out of our stay-at-home situation: How to help your child thrive at home
Every week, HEADlines brings you the latest news, stories and commentaries in education and healthcare. This week, get insights on the latest developments
Issue 12: Dengue – the hidden battle we’re fighting alongside COVID-19
Every week, HEADlines brings you the latest news, stories and commentaries in education and healthcare. This week, get insights on the latest developments