Current Trends and Challenges for the Future of Higher Education for Development in Southeast Asia
Higher education was a key element in the East Asian miracle, the success story of Asian giants such as Singapore, South Korea, Japan and Taiwan. The World Bank’s 1993 The East Asian Miracle report noted…
New, Non-traditional Donors: Any Cause for Worry for Aid to Education?
The East Asian region is often hailed as an economic success story, particularly with the rapid growth of countries such as South Korea, Japan and Singapore. These countries developed rapidly partly because of the strong…
Successful Technical Advisers: Albert Winsemius as a Case Study
Over the last half century or so, across the international development realm, donors and individuals have been extremely active in providing advice to recipient nations on how to improve their overall economic development. As the…
Thinking About Human Development
Many countries love to boast about their economic strengths. After all, the Group of Eight (G8) and Group of Twenty (G20) groups are largely based around the Gross National Product (GNP) of the various member…
PISA Results: The Challenging Road Forward for Weaker ASEAN Countries
The latest Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) notes that Thailand and Indonesia continue to remain in the bottom ranks for their PISA scores. I argue here that low-performing countries can initiate reforms to improve…