Science, Technology & Innovation

Science, Technology & Innovation

What’s to Gain from AI?

I have lived through an interesting technological era. When I was young, many families still used black and white televisions, phones were attached to walls, and the internet hadn’t been created. Much has changed in the intervening years, and now we’re living in a time when technology that didn’t exist during my youth is deeply […]


Leaders and changemakers of today face unique and complex challenges. The HEAD Foundation Digest features insights and opinions from those in the know addressing a wide range of pertinent issues that factor in a society’s development. 

Informed opinions can inspire healthy discussions and open up our imagination to new possibilities. Interested in contributing? Write to us at info@headfoundation

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Leaders and changemakers of today face unique and complex challenges. The HEAD Foundation Digest features insights and opinions from those in the know addressing a wide range of pertinent issues that factor in a society’s development. 

Informed opinions can inspire healthy discussions and open up our imagination to new possibilities. Interested in contributing? Write to us at info@headfoundation

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