Education in Singapore – Learn for Life: Ready for the Future
While educational provision, in a variety of formats, has always been a preoccupation of societies, two key events in the 18th and 19th centuries gave rise to the advent of mass schooling organised at the…
The Big Picture: Student Mobility, Internationalisation and the ‘New Normal’
Originally designed as a tripartite pilot programme, what is today the Asian International Mobility for Students (AIMS) programme began life as the Malaysia-Indonesia-Thailand (M-I-T) student mobility pilot project in 2009. Today, nine countries and over…
Fifty Secrets Of Singapore’s Success: Good Schools
Education principally serves two primary functions; to equip a country’s youth for gainful employment, and to build social cohesion. When Singapore became independent, its education system found itself struggling to address both these needs, but…
Developing Future-Proof Citizens: Drill or Dare Education?
The present time is a challenging one for educators, policy- makers, parents and students alike. There is general consensus that we are in new times of volatility and uncertainty, that the triumphs and failures of…