Issue 99: The right to quality education for all — A renewed social contract

Every week, HEADlines brings you the latest news, stories and commentaries in education and healthcare. This week, get insights on the latest developments in education. image The right to quality education for all — A renewed social contract As schools navigate another pandemic year, reports are emerging on the differentiated level of learning loss across socio-economic status within communities. Addressing gaps in academic achievement must go beyond simply making up for learning loss. A report from the Philippines highlights that addressing the health crisis and bridging digital divides is key to ensuring education continues for all students, as universal face-to-face classes remains an unrealistic assumption. While catching up on learning loss, experts in the United States suggest that teachers and students need mental health support and social-emotional learning opportunities to mitigate the trauma inflicted by disrupted learning arrangements. In light of recent upheavals, the United Nations has themed this year’s International Day of Education “Changing Course, Transforming Education”: a timely reminder for us to reflect on and address health and equity issues that obstruct quality education for all. To bridge the gaps in learning loss, a renewed social contract is required to ensure education remains an equitable right for all. Education in the Spotlight: The Guardian: Term starts in Uganda – but world’s longest shutdown has left schools in crisis Pre-COVID the country battled poor learning outcomes, now experts fear fee rises and school closures will see many more children miss out. Ed Surge: Bring balance to your mind: 4 tips for a mid-year mental reset How, in the midst of all the chaos, do we actually create the much-needed mental reset to be ready to tackle the new year? The Straits Times: Sex education gains steam in south China primary schools To improve sex education among young people, a school in south China’s Hainan Province is promoting a unique awareness programme, with teachers imparting knowledge about the private parts of the human body. The Hechinger Report: Not your typical shop class: New CTE programme requires lessons in social skills In these trade-study programmes, students must develop skills like empathy, critical thinking and collaboration. Southeast Asia Globe: Vietnam vocational training delivers skills with a future Cooking and craft courses supported by Aide et Action offer new opportunities to ethnic minority residents in rural areas. Ed Surge: Assessing my first semester of ‘ungrading’ A teacher goes gradeless in her advanced geometry class. Did it work? Phys: Why education systems should build environmental ethics into every subject The earlier children are introduced to reflecting and asking questions about the impact of human activities on the the environment, the better they can begin to develop an attitude of care for the environment. The Hechinger Report: Future engineers need to understand their work’s human impact – here’s how my classes prepare students to tackle problems like climate change Engineering classes at the University of San Diego uses socio-technical thinking to address looming social issues such as climate change.


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Leaders and changemakers of today face unique and complex challenges. The HEAD Foundation Digest features insights and opinions from those in the know addressing a wide range of pertinent issues that factor in a society’s development. 

Informed opinions can inspire healthy discussions and open up our imagination to new possibilities. Interested in contributing? Write to us at info@headfoundation

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