Unleashing the Potential of AI for Indonesia’s Digital Government Transformation


The rapid advancement of digital technologies is reshaping the landscape of governance worldwide. As Indonesia embarks on an ambitious journey to transform its public services and operations, integrating artificial intelligence (AI) presents a remarkable opportunity to drive efficiency, enhance citizen experiences, and foster innovation within the government’s digital ecosystem.


The recently enacted Presidential Regulation No. 82/2023 on Accelerating Digital Transformation and Integration of National Digital Services underscores the nation’s commitment to leveraging cutting-edge technologies, including AI, to achieve a seamless and integrated digital government. This regulation paves the way for a comprehensive overhaul of Indonesia’s e-government systems, known as the Electronic-Based Government System (SPBE).


Towards a smart city

Surabaya has received multiple recognitions for its smart city initiatives. In December 2023, it won awards for Smart Government and Smart Environment from Indonesia’s Ministry of Communication and Information Technology (Kemenkominfo).

Photo: Adi RH / iStock

At the heart of this transformation lies the development of priority SPBE applications, encompassing a wide range of critical services, from integrated education and healthcare platforms to unified social assistance, population administration, and financial transaction systems. These applications are designed to streamline operations, improve datadriven decision-making, and provide citizens with seamless access to essential government services.


AI’s potential to revolutionise digital government initiatives is multifaceted and far-reaching. By harnessing the power of machine learning, natural language processing, and other AI technologies, Indonesia can unlock numerous benefits, including:

AI can automate repetitive and labour-intensive tasks, freeing human resources for more strategic and complex endeavours and enhancing operational efficiency and productivity.

Through AI-powered virtual assistants and chatbots, citizens can access personalised support and guidance, enabling a more user-friendly and responsive experience when interacting with government services.

AI algorithms can analyse vast amounts of data from various sources, uncovering insights, patterns, and trends that can inform evidence-based policymaking and strategic planning.

By leveraging AI’s pattern recognition capabilities, government agencies can enhance their ability to identify and mitigate potential fraud, cybersecurity threats, and other risks, safeguarding the integrity of public systems and data.


AI-powered predictive maintenance solutions can optimise asset management by analysing data from various sources to anticipate and prevent equipment failures, minimise downtime, and reduce operational costs.

The adoption of AI at the grassroots level demonstrates the boundless potential of this technology to transform governance and enhance the lives of citizens across the archipelago.



Public sector digital transformation initiatives have become ubiquitous across all local government levels, from central digitisation units to decentralised digital units, spanning the provincial state, district, and village governing units. But are there AI solutions in the making? Let’s explore stories spotlighting innovative digital government units that have adopted AI in their operations. These stories showcase key principles, technologies, and approaches these governments have taken in the race for AI adoption.


One remarkable example is the city of Surabaya, where the local government has implemented an AI-powered traffic management system. By leveraging computer vision and machine learning algorithms, this system can analyse real-time traffic data from CCTV cameras and adjust traffic light signals accordingly, reducing congestion and optimising traffic flow. This innovative solution improved the city’s transportation efficiency, reduced carbon emissions and enhanced air quality.


In the healthcare realm, the West Java provincial government has pioneered the use of AI in disease surveillance and outbreak prediction. By analysing vast amounts of data from various sources, including medical records, environmental factors, and population demographics, an AI-powered system can identify potential disease hotspots and enable proactive measures to mitigate the spread of infections.


The district of Badung in Bali has uniquely embraced AI by developing a virtual assistant for tourism services. Powered by natural language processing and machine learning, this AI-powered chatbot can provide personalised recommendations, answer inquiries, and assist visitors in planning their itineraries. By enhancing the tourist experience and promoting local attractions, this initiative has contributed to boosting the local economy and supporting sustainable tourism development.


These are just a few examples of how local governments in Indonesia are leveraging AI to tackle diverse challenges and improve public services. From smart city solutions to healthcare innovations and tourism enhancement, the adoption of AI at the grassroots level demonstrates the boundless potential of this technology to transform governance and enhance the lives of citizens across the archipelago.

[IKN’s Smart Governance strategy] fosters transparency by making information accessible to the public, ultimately building trust and promoting a collaborative governance model.



Indonesia’s blueprint for Ibu Kota Nusantara (IKN), the nation’s new capital city, is available to the public and reflects a progressive approach to governance in the digital era. Central to this vision is Smart Governance, which emphasises utilising Information and Communication Technology (ICT) to enhance the effectiveness, efficiency, transparency, and public participation in government processes. As IKN evolves into a smart city, AI emerges as a crucial tool to achieve this ambitious goal.

The new national capital city

Ibu Kota Nusantara, or Nusantara Capital City, is the planned new capital of Indonesia, set to replace Jakarta. Located in East Kalimantan on the island of Borneo, the development aims to alleviate Jakarta's congestion and environmental issues. The project focuses on sustainability and modern infrastructure to create a smart, green city.

Source: IKN

As the blueprint outlines, IKN’s Smart Governance strategy leverages ICT to streamline processes and improve service delivery, reducing bureaucracy and optimising resource allocation. This fosters transparency by making information accessible to the public, ultimately building trust and promoting a collaborative governance model. Citizen involvement is prioritised through open data initiatives and by incorporating public feedback into decision-making processes.

One powerful application lies in data-driven decision-making. AI algorithms can analyse vast datasets from diverse sources such as citizen feedback, administrative processes, and sensor networks. These real-time insights empower decision-makers to proactively plan urban development, manage resources effectively, and make data-driven adjustments to services as needed. For instance, AI-powered traffic prediction can inform infrastructure development, optimising transportation flow for a growing city.

Citizen-centric services are another key area where AI can revolutionise governance in IKN. Implementing AI-powered chatbots and virtual assistants based on custom Large Language Models can offer instant multilingual support to residents. This streamlines service access and promotes inclusivity by ensuring accessibility for all.

Optimising resource allocation is another area where AI shines. This approach is exemplified by Smart Energy Management platforms utilising AI algorithms to regulate power distribution, minimise energy waste, and promote the adoption of renewable energy sources. These actions contribute significantly to IKN’s sustainability goals and generate cost savings.

AI can further enhance IKN’s preparedness for potential crises. Predictive analytics powered by AI can identify potential threats, such as natural disasters or public health emergencies, enabling authorities to take pre-emptive measures and effectively allocate resources.

Additionally, Integrated Command and Control Centres equipped with AI monitoring systems facilitate rapid response and coordination during emergencies, ultimately ensuring the safety and well-being of residents.

Personalisation is another exciting area where AI can enhance the governance experience. AI algorithms can analyse individual preferences and behaviour patterns to tailor government services and recommendations to meet specific needs. This personalised approach has the potential to significantly improve user satisfaction, foster trust in government institutions, and ultimately promote greater civic engagement.

This collaborative approach empowers local authorities to learn from one another, address challenges collectively, and accelerate the adoption of AI and other cutting-edge technologies in their operations.

Driving economic growth

The 2045 Artificial Intelligence National Strategy paves the way for AI development in Indonesia, with the Ministry of Finance projecting that technological adoption could boost the Indonesian economy by up to USD2.8 trillion by 2040.

Photo: Yanuar Dani Alfarizi / iStock


The Ministry of Administrative and Bureaucratic Reform (KemenpanRB) has taken a commendable step by developing a set of key indicators specifically designed to assess the implementation of the Electronic-Based Government System (SPBE) across central and local government institutions.

These indicators serve as a valuable benchmark, enabling a data-driven approach to monitoring and ranking local governments’ progress in adopting digital technologies and transforming their operations. The indicators include internal policies on the agency’s SPBE architecture, roadmap, data management, application development, data centre services, intranet services, service link system usage, information security management, information, and communication technology audits, and SPBE coordination team.

Furthermore, these indicators can be utilised to establish a ranking system, allowing for a comparative analysis of local governments’ performance in implementing SPBE initiatives. Such rankings can foster healthy competition, incentivise continuous improvement, and facilitate the sharing of best practices among high-performing regions.

Notably, the evaluation process should be accompanied by a robust feedback mechanism, enabling local governments to receive actionable insights and recommendations for enhancing their digital transformation strategies. This collaborative approach empowers local authorities to learn from one another, address challenges collectively, and accelerate the adoption of AI and other cutting-edge technologies in their operations.

In this context, it is essential to highlight the role of information and communication technology audits, which serve as a crucial component of the evaluation framework. These audits ensure local governments adhere to established standards, policies, and best practices, promoting transparency, accountability, and effective governance within the digital ecosystem.

By leveraging these key indicators and fostering a culture of continuous improvement, Indonesia can ensure that its digital government initiatives are implemented consistently and effectively across all levels of governance, from the central government to the most remote villages.


A comprehensive roadmap is essential to fully harness the transformative potential of AI in Indonesia’s digital government initiatives. This roadmap should encompass the following key elements:


Invest in developing a skilled workforce proficient in AI technologies through dedicated training programs, partnerships with academia, and collaborations with industry experts.



Establish robust data governance frameworks to ensure data quality, security, and privacy. Additionally, enhance digital infrastructure, including high-performance computing capabilities and cloud computing resources, to support AI applications.



Develop clear guidelines and policies to ensure the responsible and ethical development and deployment of AI systems, upholding principles of transparency, accountability, and respect for human rights.



Foster collaborations between the government, private sector, and research institutions to leverage collective expertise, resources, and innovative solutions in the AI domain.



Initiate pilot projects to test and refine AI applications in various domains, allowing for iterative improvements and scalability based on lessons learned.



Establish mechanisms for continuous monitoring and evaluation of AI initiatives, ensuring their effectiveness, efficiency, and alignment with the nation’s digital transformation goals.



Actively participate in global AI forums, fostering knowledge exchange, setting standards, and collaborating with other nations to address shared challenges and opportunities associated with AI adoption.

By embracing AI responsibly and proactively, Indonesia can unlock unprecedented opportunities to enhance the efficiency, transparency, and accessibility of its digital government services, ultimately paving the way for a more innovative, citizen-centric, and future-ready public sector. ∞


  1. Peraturan Presiden (Perpres) Nomor 82 Tahun 2023 tentang Percepatan Transformasi Digital dan Keterpaduan Layanan Digital Nasional. [Presidential Regulation No 82 of 2023 Concerning Accelerating Digital Transformation and Integration of National Digital Services]. https://peraturan.bpk.go.id/Details/273981/perpres-no-82-tahun-2023.
  2. “[Surat Edaran] Cetak Biru Kota Cerdas Nusantara.” [Circular Letter of the Blueprint for Nusantara Smart City]. IKN, 22 Dec 2023. https://www.ikn.go.id/cetak-biru-kota-cerdas-nusantara.
  3. Pedoman Menteri PANRB Nomor 6 Tahun 2023 tentang Tata Cara Pemantauan dan Evaluasi Sistem Pemerintahan Berbasis Elektronik. [PANRB Ministerial Guideline No 6 of 2023 Concerning Procedures for Monitoring and Evaluating Electronic-Based Government Systems]. https://spbe.ekon.go.id/uploads/materi/12062023_Final_Paparan_ Perubahan_Pedoman_6-2023.pdf.
  4. Circular Letter of the Minister of Communications and Informatics (“MOCI”) No 9 of 2023 Concerning Artificial Intelligence Ethics on 19 Dec 2023.


Prof Hammam Riza has expertise in technology assessment and application. Previously, he held pivotal government roles, including Chairman (2019–2021), Deputy Chairman (2014–2018), Chief Information Officer, and Director of the Centre for ICT (2010–2014) at Indonesia’s Agency for the Assessment and Application of Technology (BPPT). He spearheaded technological innovations for ministries, agencies, and global research institutions. Riza holds a Doctorate in Electrical Engineering from Bandung Institute of Technology, a Master’s in Computer Science from the University of Kentucky, and a Bachelor’s in Electrical Engineering from ITB. Currently a Professor of AI at the University Syiah Kuala, he leads the Indonesia Collaborative AI Association (KORIKA) and chairs the Institute of Indonesia Technology Auditor (IATI). He is an active senate member of the Indonesia Internet Domain Name Registry Organization and Co-chair of the Digitalization and AI Division at the Indonesia Engineer Association (PII).


Dr Adhiguna Mahendra is an industrial AI expert with over 20 years of experience. He holds a Ph.D. in Computer Vision and machine learning and has built intelligent systems for industries like aviation, law enforcement, and smart cities. Currently, he leads AI initiatives for Nusantara Capital City and lectures at universities. Adhiguna is also a prominent figure in Indonesia's AI strategy and development.

JULY 2024 | ISSUE 12



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