Reorganising the Future of Work
The pandemic and recent geopolitical conflicts have disrupted the world order, and countries are struggling to revitalise their economies. Yet our education systems are falling behind in producing the skilled workforce required in the race to innovate and stay ahead — hence the global war for talent.
In this issue of THINK, experts and scholars share views on how work and employment are evolving under the ‘new normal’, and the relationship between workers and today’s fast-changing and technology-driven society.
In this issue:
- Interview with Prof Henry Mintzberg — Managing Ourselves and Our Society: A Rebalancing Act
Prof Henry Mintzberg, the Cleghorn Professor of Management Studies of McGill University, passionately shared his views on what it takes to be a good manager and a true leader in today’s society, and the lessons we have learned from the pandemic;
- Developing Responsible Leadership for Sustainability: A Categorical Imperative
Emeritus Professor of Asian Business and Comparative Management at INSEAD, Prof Henri-Claude de Bettignies, urges political and business leaders to prioritise sustainability above growth and reminds business schools of their role in training responsible leaders;
- Carbon Peaking and Neutrality: Transforming Talent in Higher Education
As climate change becomes an existential threat, Prof Wang Yuan Feng, Director of the Center of Carbon Neutral Technology and Strategy, Beijing Jiaotong University, specifies the kind of talent China needs to nurture in its universities to meet carbon neutrality targets;
… and many more.
Developing Responsible Leadership for Sustainability: A Categorical Imperative
To say that we live in ‘turbulent’ times is the understatement of our century. To say that we live in a volatile, uncertain, complex and…
Carbon Peaking and Neutrality: Transforming Talent in Higher Education
In China, ‘dual-carbon’ or shuang tan (双碳) refers to the national goals set to reach the country’s carbon peak by 2030 and to achieve carbon…
Kerinci to Kuala Lumpur – A Malaysian Migration
There are many reasons Indonesians migrate to Malaysia. In recent decades it has generally been motivated by economic motives. If traced further, there are other…
Managing Ourselves and Our Society: A Rebalancing Act An Interview with Prof Henry Mintzberg
It has been many years since we worked together to start up an executive management programme in China. Has management education changed in the last…
Zooming ahead? Not so fast!
Here the screen is a focused reality, even when each of the participants comes to it from the rich and varied reality of their own…
The Physical Office and Remote Work in a Post-COVID World
The COVID-19 pandemic has fundamentally changed the way we work. As lockdowns swept through the world, companies and employees were thrown into the deep end…
Managing Talents in a Global Professional Organisation – An Interview with Yap Seng Chong
An Interview with Yap Seng Chong Yap Seng Chong at his home office in Malaysia Photo: Yap Seng Chong Please tell us about the HR characteristics…
Resolving the Business-Human Disconnect that Plagues Organisations Today
The gap between what employers want and what workers need is a common occurrence for most organisations. In fact, it makes up for many watercooler…
Empathy as Intelligence
It is a pity that empathy is not more of a highlighted skill in school, as it is important in human resources, especially for those…