
M Yazid M

THINK Issue 12

Navigating the AI Terrain Lately, the terrain of artificial intelligence has been marked by profound

THINK Issue 11

The Art, Science and Good News of Ageing Living a healthy and long life is

HESB Issue 13

Partnerships in Higher Education This, the thirteenth issue of HESB, marks a new direction from

HESB Issue 12

Partnerships in Higher Education This issue is a joint effort by The HEAD Foundation, SEAMEO

THINK Issue 10

Reorganising the Future of Work The pandemic and recent geopolitical conflicts have disrupted the world

Dr Gavin Ng

DR GAVIN NG obtained his Ph.D. in Experimental Psychology from the University of Illinois at

THINK Commemorative Issue

Healthcare and Education for Asian Development This Commemorative Issue of THINK contains a collection of

HESB Issue 11

Riding the waves of change In a world fraught with disruptions, what does the future

THINK Issue 9

Tomorrow’s Technology Today Technology has advanced by leaps and bounds in the past 35 years,

THINK Issue 8

At the Crossroads of East and West The East and the West of the world


Leaders and changemakers of today face unique and complex challenges. The HEAD Foundation Digest features insights and opinions from those in the know addressing a wide range of pertinent issues that factor in a society’s development. 

Informed opinions can inspire healthy discussions and open up our imagination to new possibilities. Interested in contributing? Write to us at info@headfoundation

Stay updated on our latest announcements on events and publications


Leaders and changemakers of today face unique and complex challenges. The HEAD Foundation Digest features insights and opinions from those in the know addressing a wide range of pertinent issues that factor in a society’s development. 

Informed opinions can inspire healthy discussions and open up our imagination to new possibilities. Interested in contributing? Write to us at info@headfoundation

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